Thursday, January 30, 2020
Buddhist Traditions Essay Example for Free
Buddhist Traditions Essay Buddhism is an Eastern religion practiced in most Asian countries. The religion was founded by Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) in the late 6th century B.C.E. Even though Buddhism is practiced in many ways, a commonality among these ways is a drawing from the life experiences of the Buddha and his teachings. The spirit or essence of his teachings also referred to as dhamma or dharma, serve as models for the religious life. Some of the teachings of enlightenment that have been an influence of the disciples of Buddha are in regard to having an understanding of suffering and finding the end to all suffering, and on having mutual respect by having right mindfulness and right meditation and the principle of ataman. The beliefs and practice of both Karma and Dharma allow an individual to avoid ignorance and allow for mutual respect, which in return grants the individual peace and happiness. Buddha set the stage for future Buddhist with his teachings on The Noble Eightfold Path and The Principles of Mutual Respect, which many in the world can relate to and use today. What is known about the Noble Eightfold Path? What is Mutual Respect? How can Buddhism be used and understood today?History of BuddhaThe many teachings of Buddha were not discovered until the 1st or 2nd century C.E. until the writings of Buaciha Charija (life of the Buddha) by Ashvaghosa gave an account of BuddhaÃâs life. The Buddha who was born in ca. 563 B.C.E. in Lumbini, a place in North India near the Himalayan foothills, began his teachings around Benares (at Sarnath). ÃâHis era in general was one of spiritual, intellectual, and social ferment. This was the age when the Hindu ideal of renunciation of family and social life by holy persons seeking Truth first became widespread.Ãâ (Vail, 1982). SufferingBuddha had attained enlightenment while sitting under a Bodhi tree (The Buddha The Bodhi Tree, n.d). He sought to understand suffering, its cause, its end, and the path that led to its end. By the third night he found his answer which is known as the four noble truths. The first noble truth is the life means suffering (Kniermin, 2009). Human nature and the world is not perfect, therefore, inevitably those in the physical life will suffer from sickness, injury, pain, tiredness, old age, and eventually death. Humans also suffer psychologically such as sadness, fear, disappointment, frustration, and depression. The second truth is that theà origin of suffering is attachment. Desire causes suffering as does the pursuit of wealth and prestige. Those that strive for fame and popularity will also suffer. The third truth is ceasing suffering through nirodha. Nirodha is to not make sensual craving and conceptual attachment. To cease suffering means to remove all cause of suffering through ones actions. To attain perfection in ridding all passions and attachments one would gain Nirvana. To have Nirvana means one no longer worries or has trouble. The fourth truth is that is a gradual path of self-improvement will end all suffering and this can be attained through the following of the Eightfold Path. The Noble Eightfold Path describes the end of suffering through the practice of mental development which was described by Siddhartha Gautama (Kniermin, 2009b). The goal is to free the individual from attachments and delusions, leading one to understand the truth of all things. The beginning and the end of the path is to have the right view. The right view is to see things as they truly are and understand karma. The first step is to know that all beings suffer and to realize that the view of the world is through thoughts and the right view yields right thoughts and actions. Actions are usually expressed through ones attention. Having the right intentions is having a commitment to ethical and mental self-improvement. The three types of right intentions are: 1. to resist desire, 2. strive to avoid feelings of anger, and 3. not think or act in a violent, cruel, or aggressive manner. Although one can have the right intentions one must make an effort. One can have the right effort by preventing unwholesome states. To attain right efforts one must have the right mindfulness. To have a clear consciousness and perceive things as they truly are. The way one conducts oneself is to have the right speech, for words can break or save a person, make enemies or friend, create peace or start a war. Right speech is the practice of not telling lies, abstaining from slanderous speech, abstaining from harsh words, and abstaining from conversation that has no point. Not only is having the right words important, but having the right action. The right actions is to not take life even oneself and to abstain from robbery, fraud, deceitfulness, dishonesty, and sexualà misconduct. The way earns ones living is to have the right livelihood. One should gain wealth legally and peacefully. Some occupations that are not consider to the right livelihood would be prostitution, selling or buying of weapons, raising animals for slaughter or working in a butchery, and selling intoxicants. The eighth principle of the path is to have right concentration. To have right concentration is to establish the mind rightly, which involves all the paths of the noble eightfold (Bhikkhu, 2001 -2009). To establish the right concentration one would use meditation. Tranquil meditation quiets the mind. To enter into right concentration one has to be alert for it can not arise on its own. Once one is able to enter into right concentration one will experience stillness, rapture, and pleasure. Mutual RespectBuddhism teaches one to be mutually respectful of one another since it can lead one down a road of tolerance and acceptance. Mutual respect corresponds to the concept of treat others the way an individual would like to be treated in return. Mutual respect ensures that trust is present in all interactions. Mutual respect operates within the domain of practical reasoning and assists individuals seeking knowledge of what to do and how one should do it, when one wants to build or sustain democracy. However, practical reasoning principles differ from rules. The journey one follows towards understanding, respecting and trusting others winds through hills and valleys. It can be difficult to find the path and even more difficult to stay on the right path. The belief is that it takes true humility, willingness to first listen, a sober look at ones own shortcomings, and commitment over time, however, this approach will not work for everyone. A common thread in world religions are that the teachings are to improve humanity and improve peopleÃâs ethical behavior thereby improving life on earth. An important leason is for people to learn not to be consumed with material things but to strive to have a balance between material andà spiritual progress. All religions need to work together to make the world a better place. The world needs not only material progress, but also spiritual progress as well. If humans only develop spiritually and do not take care of the material side then people go hungry, and that is not very good either. There needs to be a balance. One does not have to agree with or even necessarily like a person or a religion, but it does ensure that interactions run smoothly. Mutual respect implies recognition that all individuals are human beings together, that in fact, all beings are one. Humans are one and the same, of the same source, each reflecting another aspect of oneself. Instead of looking at differences between groups of people, or indeed between religions, a spiritually oriented person focuses upon similarities. If everyone were to do this, there would be no violence, no wars, no lack of respect for others, and no lack of self-respect. Mutual respect is important because it transforms conflict into peace, compromise, and production. Respect creates an atmosphere that allows for progress to be made. An individual can not expect to receive respect if he or she does not first offer respect. A person is more willing to take part in understanding something if the individual believes that his or her thoughts, opinions, and feelings will be taken into consideration and respected. Mutual respect is created when people treat others as they want to be treated. As mentioned The Golden Rule, ÃâDo unto others as you would have others do unto youÃâ brings forth the idea that all things are connected and in relationship to one another. Mutual respect can Ãâgrow from its own process and dynamics. Be the first to accord respect, and with time, it will develop amongst all he conflicting partiesÃâ (Beyond Intractability, 2005). If one person is giving respect but not receiving it in return from the other person, conflict is likely to result and could have consequences for both sides. A balance and compromise will result in peace. Buddhism strongly focuses on the anatman, the inner-self, and obtaining theà balance of peace with both the inner-self and outer-self. Therefore, mutual respect greatly relates to the beliefs of the Buddhist religion in respect to eliminating negative energy. Conflicts and not respecting other individuals would only defeat the purpose of what one is trying to accomplish with Ataman. Buddhists also believes in karma, the consequences of oneÃâs actions. This means that if a Buddhist were to deny respect then in return he or she would suffer the consequences of those actions. This would delay his or her progress towards complete inner and outer peace. The Buddhist religion also discourages ignorance, or lack of knowledge, which can be a result of ignoring mutual respect. ÃâAll the problems we experience during daily life originate from ignorance and the method for eliminating ignorance is to practice DharmaÃâ (About Buddha, 2007). Dharma is the act of protecting oneself from suffering and from problems. By practicing mutual respect an individual can avoid any unnecessary conflict or problems that would get in the way obtaining peace and happiness. ÃâPracticing Dharma is the supreme method for improving the quality of our human lifeÃâ (About Buddha, 2007). By granting mutual respect in all subject matters, an individual improves the quality of his or her life. Buddhist SectsMutual respect is realized in many Buddhist sects. BuddhaÃâs teachings reached far beyond the area in which he began and formed two primary divisions. The original teachings of Buddha are the Southern School, called Theravada or better known as ÃâWay of the Elders.Ãâ Theravada is mainly taught in the Southeast Asian countries. The Northern School is referred to as Mahayana or ÃâThe Greater Vehicle,Ãâ and is comprised of countries in the North (Fisher, 2002 p. 157). Many writings came from these sects. Those who follow the teachings of Theravada studied older writings called the Pali Canon. A collection of BuddhaÃâs teachings, the Pali Canon was compiled after BuddhaÃâs death by a council of five hundred monks who had studied under him. From the Southern School is the Triple Gem which is a collection of Buddha, dharma and sangha. These were used in order for one to convert to Buddhism. Meditations were also very important. One of the techniques was Vipassana meditation. Theà word Vipassana can be translated to mean Ãâinsight.Ãâ This was important because by developing insight helps to calm, focus and watch the mind (Fisher, 2002, p. 161). From the Northern School, Mahayana teachings were referred to as the path of compassion and metaphysics. Though they had the respect of the Southern School, these were teachings that reached beyond those of the Pali Canon. The Mahayanists claimed these scriptures were given only to those kindhearted and enlightened beings. Those scriptures called the Mahayana sutras told of the significance of spiritual understanding. To the Mahayanists, the dharma is not only a term used in writings, but the actual source of a conversion event that makes one realize the need for enlightenment as the absolute significance of life (Fisher, 2002, p. 164). Through the years, Buddha made his teachings in reference to the audience in which he spoke. Buddha in effect, had taught in different levels depending on the willingness of the audience to pay attention to the truth. As time proceeded, the audience changed, and the Mahayanists looked past the Pali Canon which was a teaching to help those with lower capacities to the sutra which would teach the true meaning of the dharma. New Mahayana communities were formed. They called themselves Bodhisattvas. Bodhisattvas were dedicated to attaining enlightenment. These were teachings that expanded on those taught in the sutra. Bodhisattvas believed that not only were there special people who could gain spiritual growth; it could be obtained by the masses of people also. The goal was to achieve the enlightenment and to see in that enlightenment what you have not seen before, which is the divinity of the world (Loverade, n.d.). In accordance with these teachings, Bodhisattvas should become enlightened and return to help others to obtain the same goal. Those returning would not experience the suffering in which others were exposed. The idea is not only to become enlightened, but also to become like Buddha himself and be an enlightened one who returns to the world. ConclusionBuddha, born in 563 B.C.E brought teaching of enlightenment to the world. He taught that desiring brings suffering. He also taught his followers to respect other religions through an open mind and tolerance. Throughout Buddhisms teachings and beliefs runs the undercurrent of mutual respect and enlightenment. In essence, one cannot reach enlightenment without mutual respect. By integrating the four noble truths and the eight fold path an individual will reach an understanding of anatman and the impermanence that exists in life. Illusions will end and self-centeredness will erode and an individual will eventually be free from attachments and understand the truth of all things. Once enlightenment is reached by an individual, the individual is to become like Buddha and return to the world to help others. References About Buddha (2007). About Buddha. Retrieved July 31, 2009 from http://www.aboutbuddha.orgBerzin, Alexander, (1988). The Berzin Archives. Retrieved July 31, 2009 from Intractability (2005). A free knowledge base on more constructive approaches todestructive conflict. Retrieved July 30, 2009 from, T. (2001- 2009). Right concentration. Retrieved August 3, 2009 from,L.F. (1982). Focus. Retrieved July 31, 2009 from, M.P. (2003). Living religions (5th ed.). Retrieved August 1, 2009 from UOPrEsource REL133Knierim, T. (2009a). The four noble truths. Retrieved August 2, 2009 from,T. (2009b). The noble eightfold path. Retrieved August 2, 2009 from, L. (n.d.). Five stages of consciousness in religion and the returning buddha.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Hyenas :: essays research papers fc
In the world of animals, there are a lot of unique animals, but the Hyena is the real animal that stands out. Its massive jaws can crush the bones of its prey and usually it eats the whole carcass of its prey. They scientific name for the Hyena is Crocuta Crocuta. They Hyena mostly live in Africa, south of the Sahara, but except in the Congo Basin. Also large numbers of Hyenas live in Ethiopia, British Somalialand, and Ngrongoro Crater. Their habitat is usually a flat grassland. It is mostly dry and sometimes rocky area. There are few trees or plants. Mostly there are shrubs. There are also some mountains in the region. The Hyena eats mostly wildebeests, gazelles, zebra, buffalo, rhino calves, and most species of ungulates. The Hyena mostly gets its food by hunting packs or alone, or by scavenging after kills of other animals or other Hyenas. The hunting usually takes place at night when they are most active. When the kill their prey they rip their prey from limb to limb and usually eats the whole carcass of its prey. To do that Hyenas massive jaws contains teeth so strong and so sharp to crush bones of its prey. Hyenas store their food underwater to to hide from other carnivores stealing the left over meat. One Hyena can eat up to 14.5 kilograms of meat per meal. Hyenas can spot and will usually try to hunt the young, weak, diseased, injured, or dead prey, but if drove extreme hunger it can take down a full grown male lion. The Hyena natural enemies are the lion, wild dogs, leopards, cheetah, and jackals. The Hyena is very competitive with the lion. They both try to take bit of each others kills, but most of the time a Hyena kills its prey, the lion comes and starts eating and the Hyena has to wait. Like the lion hyena tries to take bit of meat from the leopard and cheetah kills. Jackals often annoy Hyenas and try to take bits of meat from the Hyenas kills. The Hyena protects it self in its habitat by the spots on it back used for camouflage. Also if attacked its massive jaws can crush the bones of its attacker and the Hyena is capable of running down and killing an unaided bull wildebeest, 3 times its own weight.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Night World : Huntress Chapter 18
Jez heard herself scream, but only faintly. There was a roaring in her ears as if the BART train was coming at her again. And a pain that engulfed her whole body, sending agonized spasms through her limbs. It centered in her chest, though, where something white-hot was lodged inside her, crushing her lung and dislodging her internal organs and burning right beside her heart. She'd been staked. What she had done so often to others had been done to her. She hadn't realized anything could hurt like this. She was glad none of her victims had lived long to keep suffering. The wood of the stake was poisoning her heart, she knew. Even if it were removed, she would die. No vampire could survive contact between living wood and its undead heart. Still, she would live for a little while-in unimaginable agony as the poison ate through her. A voice was screaming in her mind. Jez-JezJezJezâ⬠¦ Over and over, incoherently. Morgead, she thought. And she hoped he wasn't feeling any of what she was feeling through the silver cord that connected them. Hugh and Claire were sobbing. Jez wished they wouldn't. They had to stay calm; to think of a way to save themselves. Because she couldn't help them anymore. Over the sobbing she heard a shrill and angry voice. Lily. ââ¬Å"What is wrong with you?â⬠Lily was saying. ââ¬Å"Don't you see what's happening to her? Don't you want to save her?â⬠Through the red haze that filled Jez's vision, she felt dim approval. They were doing what she'd told them. Whichever of them was the Wild Power was suppressing it Good. That was what mattered. Although she couldn't really remember why any longerâ⬠¦. Suddenly a face broke through the red haze. It was Lily, bending over her. ââ¬Å"Don't you understand?â⬠Lily yelled. ââ¬Å"You can stop this right now. Ill have him kill you cleanly-all the pain will be over. All you have to do is tell me who it is.â⬠Jez smiled at her faintly. She couldn't breathe to answer, and she didn't want to try. Would you believe that I don't know? she thought. No, I don't think you would. â⬠¦ The pain was getting less by itself. It was as if Jez was moving farther and farther away from it. ââ¬Å"How can you be so stupid?â⬠Lily was screaming. Her face was twisted, and to Jez's vision, floating in a scarlet mist. She looked like a monster. Then she turned and seemed to be screaming at someone else. ââ¬Å"All right. Get the other vampire down here, too. Morgead.â⬠She was looking at Jez again. ââ¬Å"We'll just have to stake your friends one after another until the Wild Power decides to reveal itself.â⬠No. Noâ⬠¦ Suddenly everything was much clearer around Jez. She could see the room again, and she could feel her own body. There was still the roaring in her ears, but she could hear Claire's sobs over it. No. Lily couldn't mean it. This couldn't be happeningâ⬠¦. But it was. They were shoving Morgead down on the floor beside her, and Claire and Hugh beyond him. The thugs with spears were getting into position. No. No. This can't happen. Jez wanted to scream at them, to tell the Wild Power to do something, because everything was lost now anyway. But she didn't have air to scream. And she felt so adrift and confused anywayâ⬠¦. Her universe had become disjointed. Her thoughts seemed to be unraveling at all once, past memories combining with flashing sensory impressions from the present, and with strange new ideasâ⬠¦. If it was involuntary, why didn't the Wild Power work magic more often? Unless there was some other requirementâ⬠¦. I can't let this happen. The dampness of blood spreading around her heart. â⬠¦ Claire's nails digging into her arms. ââ¬Å"When there's no physical way to escape â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Power in the blood. Claire on the floor there. Screaming and screamingâ⬠¦ Something building inside her, hotter than the stake. Morgead beside her whispering, ââ¬Å"Jez, I love you.â⬠Pierce with the stake over him. Morgead looking up unafraidâ⬠¦. Hotter than the heart of a star. Hugh in the distance saying almost quietly, ââ¬Å"Goddess of Life, receive us; guide us to the other world. . . .â⬠Hotter than the sun and colder and bluer than the moon, like fire that burned and froze and crackled like lightning all at once. Something that filled her with an energy that was past rage and past love and past all controlling and that she recognized in her soul even though she'd never consciously felt it before. It was swelling Jez to bursting, a pure and terrible flame that was never meant to be unleashed like thisâ⬠¦. ââ¬Å"Do it!â⬠Lily shouted. And Jez let it free. It came roaring out from her in a silent explosion. Blue fire that streamed from her body and blasted in all directions, but especially up. It came out and out and out, engulfing everything, flowing from her in a never ending torrent. Like a solar flare that didn't stop. It was all she could see. Blue flames, streaked with blue-white lightning that crackled almost soundlessly. Just like the fire that had cocooned her on the BART tracks. Except that now she could tell where it was coming from, even if she couldn't direct it. She knew how to let it out, now, but once out it did what it wanted. And it wasn't meant to be used this way. That was the only thing she knew clearly about it. She'd been letting it slip out when she was desperately upset-when she was worried for someone's life, and she knew that she couldn't do anything else to save them. That was forgivable, because it had been unconscious. This wasn't. She was probably violating some law of the universe or something. The blue fire was only meant to be used in the last battle, when the darkness came and the Four were called to stand against it. I suppose that means I should try to stop now, Jez thought. She wasn't sure how to do it. She guessed that she needed to call it back, somehow, to draw it down into her body again. Maybe if I sort of tugâ⬠¦. She did-something. A gathering-up with her mind. It was harder than letting the fire go had been, but it worked. She could feel it returning, flooding back inside her, as if she were sucking it in. â⬠¦ And then it was gone, and Jez could see the world again. Could see what it had done. The house had disappeared. Or most of it, anyway. There was about a foot and a half of ragged wall left all around, with charred insulation spilling out. Blue energy like electricity ran along the edges here and there, fizzing. Other than that, no house. Not even chunks of wreckage lying around. There were fine bits of debris floating down, making the sunlight hazy, but that was all. It gotâ⬠¦ vaporized, Jez thought, searching for the right word. No Lily. No Azarius. No Pierce. And none of the ugly thugs. Goddess, Jez thought. I didn't mean to do that. I only wanted to stop them from hurting Morgead and Claire and Hugh. â⬠¦ What about them? she thought in a sudden panic. She turned her head, painfully. They were there. And alive. They were even stirring. The cords they'd been tied with were lying on the carpet, sizzling with that same blue energy. It's so weird to have a carpet without a house to go with it, Jez thought fuzzily. She was going away again. And that was too bad, but at least it didn't hurt anymore. The pain was gone completely, replaced by a warm and sleepy feeling-and the sensation of gently floating outward. Her eyelids felt heavy. ââ¬Å"Jez? Jez!â⬠It was a husky whisper. Jez opened her eyes to see Morgead's face. He was crying. Oh, dear, that was bad. Jez hadn't seen him cry sinceâ⬠¦ when was it? Sometime when they'd been little kidsâ⬠¦. Jez, can you hear me? Now he was talking in her mind. Jez blinked again, and tried to think of something comforting to say to him. ââ¬Å"I feel warm,â⬠she whispered. ââ¬Å"No, you don't!â⬠He said it almost in a growl. Then he looked behind him, and Jez saw Hugh and Claire crawling up. They were all shining with golden light. ââ¬Å"You're so pretty,â⬠she told them. ââ¬Å"Like angels.â⬠ââ¬Å"This isn't the time for your weird humor!â⬠Morgead shouted. ââ¬Å"Stop it! Don't yell at her!â⬠That was Claire. Claire was crying, too, lovely tears that shone as they fell. She reached out and took Jez's hand, and that was nice, although Jez couldn't exactly feel it. She could see it. ââ¬Å"She's going to be all right,â⬠Morgead was snarling. ââ¬Å"She's lost blood, but she'll be okay.â⬠Someone was stroking Jez's hair off her face. She felt that; it was pleasant. She frowned slowly at Morgead, because there was something important to tell him, and talking was difficult. ââ¬Å"Tell Hughâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ she whispered. ââ¬Å"Tell Hugh your freaking self! He's right here! And you're not going anywhere.â⬠Jez blinked with the difficulty changing focus. Yes, there was Hugh. He was the one stroking her hair. ââ¬Å"Hughâ⬠¦ the prophecy. I figured out what the two eyes watching were. They're the sun and the moon-get it? Two eyesâ⬠¦ for somebody who belongs to both worlds.â⬠ââ¬Å"The Day World and the Night World,â⬠Hugh said softly. ââ¬Å"You got it, Jez. That was so smart.â⬠ââ¬Å"And blood,â⬠Jez whispered. ââ¬Ëâ⬠Power in the blood'-that's why I couldn't do it anytime I wanted. Blood has to flow before you can let out the power. The first two times Claire was scratching me. And this time . . .â⬠Her voice died off, but it wasn't important. Everybody could see the blood this time, she knew. Hugh's voice was thick. ââ¬Å"That was smart, too, Jez. You figured it out. And you saved us. You did everything just right.â⬠ââ¬Å"Noâ⬠¦ because there's only going to be three Wild Powers nowâ⬠¦.â⬠ââ¬Å"No, there aren't,â⬠Morgead raged. ââ¬Å"Listen to me, Jez. There's no reason for you to die-ââ¬Å" Jez couldn't manage a smile anymore, or a sentence. But she whispered gently, ââ¬Å"Woodâ⬠¦ poison.â⬠ââ¬Å"No, it isn't! Not to humans. And you're half human, Jez. You're vampire enough to survive something that would kill a human, but you're human enough not to be poisoned by wood.â⬠Jez knew better. She couldn't see much anymore. Only Morgead, and he was getting indistinct. It wasn't that the world was dimming, though-it was getting brighter. Everything was golden and shining. Four less one and darkness triumphs, Jez thought I'm so sorry about that. I hope they can manage it somehow. It would be so sad for everything human to be lost. There's so much good in the world, and so much to loveâ⬠¦. She couldn't even see Morgead now. Only gold. But she could hear. She could hear Claire whispering to her in a voice broken by tears, and feel wetness dropping on her face. ââ¬Å"I love you, Jez. You're the best cousin anybody could ever have.â⬠And Hugh. He was crying, too. ââ¬Å"Jez, I'm so proud to be your friendâ⬠¦.â⬠And then, through the mist and the gold and the warmth and peace, came a voice that wasn't gentle at all. That was roaring in sheer outrage and fury. ââ¬Å"DONT YOU DARE DIE ON ME, JEZEBEL! DON'T YOU DARE! Or I'll follow you to the next world and KILL you.â⬠Suddenly, in the pretty gold mist, she could see something else. The only thing in the universe that wasn't golden. It was a silver cord. ââ¬Å"You come back and you do it right now,â⬠Morgead bellowed in her ears and in her mind. ââ¬Å"Right now! Do you hear me?â⬠The peace was shattered. Nothing seemed quite so warm and wonderful anymore, and she knew that once Morgead got into one of his Excited States, he wouldn't stop yelling until he got what he wanted. And there was the cord right in front of her. It was strong, and she could feel that the other end was somewhere in. Morgead's heart, and that he was trying to drag her back to him. All right. Maybe if I just grab onâ⬠¦. Somehow, she was holding on to it, and bit by bit, pulling herself back. And then the golden light was fading and she was inside a body that hurt and Morgead was holding her and kissing her and crying all at the same time. Claire's voice came from beyond him. ââ¬Å"She's breathing again! She's breathing!â⬠ââ¬Å"I love you, you stupid human,â⬠Morgead gasped against Jez's cheek. ââ¬Å"I can't live without you. Don't you know that?â⬠Jez whispered, ââ¬Å"I told you never to call me Jezebel.â⬠Then she fainted. ââ¬Å"Time for a nice bath,â⬠the nurse said. ââ¬Å"And then we can have a visitor.â⬠Jez eyed her narrowly. The woman was kind, but she had some mania for sponge baths, and she was always putting strange-smelling ingredients in the water. Which was actually not that surprising since she was a witch. ââ¬Å"Skip the bath,â⬠Jez said. ââ¬Å"Let the visitor in.â⬠ââ¬Å"Now, now,â⬠the witch said, shaking a finger and advancing with the sponge. Jez sighed. Being a Wild Power in a Circle Daybreak sanctuary meant that she could have pretty much anything she wanted-except that everyone was still treating her like a little kid. Especially the nurses, who spoiled her and flattered her, but talked to her as if she were about three. Still, she was glad to let the Circle take care of some things. Keeping her relatives safe, for instance. Although she was almost fully recovered, thanks to a strong constitution and a lot of healing spells from the witches, she wasn't up to that yet. Uncle Bracken and the entire Goddard family needed constant protection, since Hunter Redfern and the Night World Council were all undoubtedly after them by now. The Circle had imported some experts from back East to take care of it. A rival vampire hunter, of all things, named Rashel something. Plus her soulmate, a vampire-turned-Daybreaker called Quinn. At least they were competent. They'd gotten Jez's uncle Bracken, as well as the remnants of the gang out of San Francisco, a city that was going to be bad for their health for a while. Morgead was trying to get the gang to join Circle Daybreak for their own good, and he said that Raven, at least, was showing some interest. Val and Thistle were being stubborn, but that was hardly surprising. What was important was that they were alive. Pierce, on the other hand, was simply gone. No one had seen a trace of him or Lily or any of her people since Jez blasted them. Apparently they had truly been vaporized, and Jez couldn't bring herself to feel too badly. ââ¬Å"All done!â⬠the nurse said brightly, straightening Jez's pajama top. Which was just as well because at that moment a black head came poking in the door. ââ¬Å"What is going on in here? You getting ready to go to the opera or something?â⬠Jez raised her eyebrows at Morgead. ââ¬Å"Maybe. Are you telling me I can't?â⬠He snorted and came in as the nurse went out ââ¬Å"I wouldn't dare tell you that. You're the princess, right? You can have anything.â⬠ââ¬Å"Right,â⬠Jez said, with huge satisfaction. ââ¬Å"So how*re Hugh and Claire?â⬠ââ¬Å"Claire's fine; she fits right in with the witches here. I think she's trying to get them to put up a Web page. And Hugh's just his same stupid self. He's off saving chipmunks from toxic waste or something.â⬠ââ¬Å"And how about the kid?â⬠ââ¬Å"The kid,â⬠Morgead said, ââ¬Å"is living it up. The Day-breakers are crazy about her; something about one of the oldest Old Souls ever found:-I dunno. Anyway, they're trying to talk her mom into letting her live here. She says thanks for saving her life and she's drawing you a picture.â⬠Jez nodded, pleased. It would be nice if Iona came to live at the sanctuary; it meant Jez could see her a lot. Not that Jez planned to live here all the time herself-she and Morgead needed their freedom. They couldn't be penned in; they had to be able to come and go. She just hadn't gotten around to telling the Daybreakers that yet. With the people she loved taken care of, she could turn her attention to other matters. ââ¬Å"Is that chocolate?â⬠ââ¬Å"It's the only reason you like to see me, isn't it?â⬠Morgead said, allowing her to take the box. He sat beside her, looking tragic. ââ¬Å"Nah,â⬠Jez said with her mouth full. She swallowed. ââ¬Å"Everybody brings 'em.â⬠Then she grinned. ââ¬Å"I like to see you for a different reason.â⬠He grinned wickedly back. ââ¬Å"I can't think what that could be.â⬠ââ¬Å"Hmmâ⬠¦ you're rightâ⬠¦ maybe there is no other reason.â⬠ââ¬Å"Watch it, Jezebel,â⬠he growled and leaned forward menacingly. ââ¬Å"Don't call me that, idiot.â⬠ââ¬Å"You're the idiot, idiot.â⬠ââ¬Å"And you're-â⬠But Jez never got to finish, because he stopped her mouth with a kiss. And then his arms were around her-so gently- and the silver cord was humming and everything was warm and there were only the two of them in the world. One from the land of kings long forgotten; One from the hearth which still holds the spark; One from the Day World where two eyes are watching; One from the twilight to be one with the dark. [The End]
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Essay about Genetically Engineered Food Crops Benefits...
Genetically Engineered Food Crops: Benefits Outweigh Risks Genetically engineered (GE) food crops have caused heated debate in the food industry for many decades and have caused many consumers major concern. According to Dr. Carroll Rawn, a biology professor at Seton Hall University, genetically engineering food entails taking genes from a certain crop and inserting those genes in the DNA of another. This process changes the nucleotide sequence of the crop and, therefore, its characteristics. The debate lies in the question of whether these changes are beneficial for the productivity and quality of the harvest. Jeremy Rifkin argues in his article, ââ¬Å"Science and Technology: O Brave New World,â⬠that GE foods are not beneficialâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦For this reason, some consumers feel that genetically altering food is a beneficial step in increasing their safety. In a personal interview, Dr. Rawn further explains the advantages of genetically engineering foods: In order that crops are not damaged by insects feeding on them, by worms in the soil feeding on them [â⬠¦ we can] genetically alter the plants so that they are more resistant to the bugs. [To do this] the plants will produce a chemical inside themselves that the bugs donââ¬â¢t like. The chemical that the plants make donââ¬â¢t bother me when I consume it; the bugs donââ¬â¢t like it, but its okay with me. Now Iââ¬â¢ve solved the problem, and I donââ¬â¢t have to use any pesticides. And all I have done is to modify the plant so that it makes its own protection. So, it is obvious that Dr. Rawn is saying genetically modified foods are healthier because less pesticide is needed to prevent bugs and herbicides from damaging the crops. The reason for this, as introduced by Dr. Rawn, is that certain genes are placed into the DNA of a food crop to help it develop its own defense system against these pests. If a crop acquires the ability to defend itself against destructive agents, then, the need for harmful chemicals is eliminated. Furthermore, Dr. Rawn is in fact correct in his belief that GE cropsShow MoreRelatedGenetically Engineered Plants are the Future 633 Words à |à 3 Pagescurrently suffering from undernourishment (FAO, 2012). What if there was a way to remedy this without the unnecessary deaths of masses of people? In the society we now live in, there is. Genetically Engineered Plants are more nutritious, less fatty, and contain fewer pesticides than naturally grown plants. Genetically Engineered Plants are the future of mankind and we, as society, should be advocating for the move towards making them the staple for everyone from proletariat to the bourgeoisie. EveryRead MoreEssay about Genetic Engineering: A Major Advancement for Mankind959 Words à |à 4 Pagesits goal. Many people say that this method of life will go against the natural force of nature, but Genetic Engineering should be allowed because of the advances of technology it brings, it could help third-world countries access cheap and nutritious food and it will create cures for diseases currently incurable. Some believe that Genetic Engineering will not permitted because it can release new organisms into the natural would, be in places that was not intended, leading to unintentional consequencesRead MoreGenetic Engineering Of Food Is Good For The Welfare Of Humanity1135 Words à |à 5 PagesGenetic engineering of food is one of the most controversial issues facing the universe today. Genetic engineering or modification of food is the artificial modification of the genetic constituents of plants and animals that produce food (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2015b). Genetic engineering per se is often conducted in the laboratory through a number of technologies whose primary role is to incorporate the desired qualities into the genetically engineered food crops and animals. Even thoughRead MorePros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Essay1733 Words à |à 7 PagesThere are many benefits of genetic engineering, but there are many risks too. Genetic engineering is the direct manipulation of genetic material in order to alter the hereditary traits of a cell, organism, or population. Basically, scientists take DNA of one product and put it into another product to get a mixture of traits from both products. Itââ¬â¢s like breeding different breeds of dogs to get a certain look or personality. Some people donââ¬â¢t mind what goes into genetically altered foods, while othersRead More Are Genetically Modified Foods the Way to Go? Essay1538 Words à |à 7 PagesWe are consuming genetically modified and processed foods every day. Genetically modified and p rocess foods cover roughly 60 to 70% of our food supply. Supermarket processed food items now test positive for the presence of genetically modified ingredients. The hidden menu of these unlabeled genetically modified foods and food ingredients in the US now includes soybeans, soy oil, corn, potatoes, squash, canola oil, cotton seed oil, papaya, tomatoes, and dairy products. But genetic manipulationRead MoreEssay on The Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering1068 Words à |à 5 Pagesexample genetically modifying a plant so that it can survive in acidic soil. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There is debate about whether genetic engineering should be used or not, and to what degree. There are many problems that can occur from the process and many of these cannot be avoided currently. There are known problems and there is also the fact that the whole process is unpredictable and unforeseen problems could crop up. A good example of this was the influence of a genetically engineeredRead MoreGenetically Foods : Genetically Modified Foods1239 Words à |à 5 PagesGenetically Modified Foods ââ¬Å"70 percent of our corn farmland and 93 percent of soy farmland are planted with crops genetically engineered to resist pests and herbicides and increase crop yields. 60% of all the processed foods in the United States are genetically modified; a shocking statistic has the concern of many Americans. However, most people are uninformed about the beneficial impact that genetically modified food has on their diet. GM is the use of molecular biology technology to modify theRead MoreArguments Of Proponents And Opponents Of The Safe And Accurate Food Labeling Act1744 Words à |à 7 PagesAccurate Food Labeling Act. This paper will now analyze each issue to determine the strengths and weakness of each sideââ¬â¢s argument. One argument that proponents make about genetically modified food is that they are no different than natural foods. An argument that opponents make is that genetically modified organisms have not been tested enough because they are fairly new and some scientist t ruly donââ¬â¢t have an understanding of how it will affect humans bodies differently than natural foods. ProponentsRead MoreGenetically Modified Foods For The Health Of The General Public And The Environment1062 Words à |à 5 Pagesgrocery store and food stand in the U.S. Packed full of full flavor and nutrition, granny smith apples hold another hidden secret in its sweet and sour flesh..itââ¬â¢s genetically engineered. Tangelos, nectarines, and plums are also among the foods that have been genetically engineered (ISAAA). Although GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and GM foods have been deemed safe for the environment and human consumption, there is an ongoing debate regarding the safety of genetically modified foods. Some peopleRead MoreGenetically Engineered Crops Essay1374 Words à |à 6 Pages Many of our crops today are what you would call genetically engineered. This means that certain plants are taken to a lab where specific genes are genetically enhanced with de sired traits such as resistance to herbicides, insecticides, drought, and even improved nutritional content. While that may sound like a win for everyone such as the farmers as well as the consumers, there are many disadvantages that not only affect our health, but our environment as well as the economy. With several facts
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